Published: August 13, 2018

It’s that time of year again. A new school year for millions of kids all across the United States is just around the corner. The good news: the kids are no longer at home all day. Some parents love this. The bad news: kids will need supplies, and these days they need a lot more than crayons, pencils, and erasers. There are backpacks, folders and binders; electronics; pay-to-play fees; shoes and clothing – the list goes on. Depending on the size of your family, these items can easily set you back hundreds or thousands of dollars.

The long lists are daunting and can leave you wondering how on earth you will pay for all these essentials. Take a deep breath – you’re not alone.

According to a survey conducted by Junior Achievement USA, 60% of parents say it’s difficult to afford back-to-school supplies. And a survey by Deloitte (a financial and regulatory consulting company) reveals back-to-school spending will amount to nearly $30 billion dollars this year.

Following are a few ways to ease the pain of back-to-school expenses with some interesting tips on how to save some money.

  • From hosting a Back-to-School Swap, to doing a little buying and selling on Craig’s List, these ideas from are sure to save you a few bucks.
  • Most families begin their back-to-school shopping in August. Consumer Reports states that parents are expected to spend, on average, over $500 on back-to-school supplies this year, up nearly 25% compared to a decade ago. They also have some smart strategies for stretching your dollars and planning purchases.
  • For additional ways to fight the struggle through what national radio commentator Ellie Kay refers to as “the most wonderful time of the year – back to school shopping”, check out her blog. She’s turned saving money into a family affair and explains how everyone can learn to stay within a budget.

So, you’ve done everything possible to cut corners and pinch pennies, but realize you have no choice but to borrow money. Consider a personal loan from VacationLand Federal Credit Union. Our attractive rates and low monthly payments can transform that back-to-school daze into delight. Learn more about our personal loans here or call a VLFCU specialist at 1-800-691-9229 today.