Published: October 20, 2017

What Happened

Equifax, one of the three main consumer reporting bureaus, experienced a huge data breach. Specialists estimate that nearly 143 million consumer records were hacked, meaning nearly ALL United States consumers will be affected by this breach. As large as this breach was, this means every Social Security Number in the U.S. in conjunction with the associated name, date of birth, and home address information must be presumed to be public knowledge.

What You Should Know

VacationLand does everything within its control to safeguard our member’s information.

How to Protect Yourself

  1. Enroll in Equifax’s credit protection. You can do this for free at
  2. Review your credit report. You can do this for free annually at
  3. Consider a security freeze. This restricts access to your credit report, which makes it more difficult to open new accounts in your name because most creditors rely on information in your report to grant credit.
  4. Set up a fraud alert. This warns creditors that you may be an identity theft victim and that they need to perform additional verification measures before granting credit in your name.
  5. Review your credit card and bank statements carefully.
  6. Don’t ignore bills from creditors you don’t think you have accounts with.
  7. Shred any documents with personal or sensitive information.
  8. Create strong passwords and change them frequently.
  9. File your taxes early – as soon as you have the tax information you need, before a scammer can.

How VacationLand is Protecting You

  1. We regularly test and assess our information security measures.
  2. We only share information for our everyday business purposes (such as processing transactions and maintaining your accounts) and as mandated by law.
  3. We are enacting more stringent verification measures for transactions completed at our branches.
    • You may be required to provide a valid government-issued ID to access your account.
    • You may be required to answer out-of-wallet questions. These are harder verification questions based on information that wouldn’t typically be found in your wallet, such as on your driver’s license, social security card or credit cards.

While our Credit Union data remains secure, it is undeniable that our members may be affected. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us toll-free at 1-800-691-9299.