VacationLand Federal Credit Union is committed to keeping your account information secure. Card-based fraud specifically is on the rise globally, and there are fraudsters looking to capture your information.
VLFCU staff and our legitimate third-party service providers will never contact you and ask you to verify and/or provide complete personal account information, specifically card information, through the phone, text message, and email message. Examples of personal account information include full account numbers, full debit/credit card numbers, expiration dates etc.
When we speak with you on the phone however, for verification purposes, we will ask you to verify a portion of your personal account information, but will never ask you for complete personal account information.
It is important that you never provide this information to anyone that has contacted you. Please contact VLFCU immediately at 800-691-9299 if you suspect the validity/legitimacy of any communication you receive from us.
To report unauthorized transactions, sign into your online banking and complete the “Transaction Dispute” form under Member Center, or in the app by selecting the “More” icon.
Learn more about our ATM/debit card fraud monitoring services.
Learn more about our credit card fraud monitoring services.